Our awards programme supports proposals that help to ensure that the area remains abundant with wildlife, scenically beautiful, sustainably viable and productive, continues to provide worthwhile work and leisure activities, and is welcoming to visitors.
Suggested projects
- Research by individuals or groups.
- Community and volunteering activities such as improving village amenities, community festivals, habitat restoration, improving rights-of-way, litter-picking.
- Information and outreach such as talks, information boards, leaflets, booklets.
Many other options may be acceptable – please contact us for a discussion about your idea or with any questions about your application on admin@yorkshirewoldsheritage.org.uk.
Who should apply
We fund initiatives by community groups, voluntary organisations and individuals based in and around or concerned with the Yorkshire Wolds.
Scale of grants and donations
We consider requests for funding up to £10,000. Requests for smaller amounts are more likely to be successful. Our aim is to contribute to a range of projects rather than one or two larger ones annually, though more substantial grants may be considered especially where these help to unlock more significant funding from larger institutions.
As a charity, YWHT is also able to accept donations from other grant-giving organisations to be channelled to appropriate local projects.
- Grants are for projects within the defined area of the Yorkshire Wolds.
- There are no deadlines - awards are considered throughout the year.
- Answer all sections of the application form (you can continue on extra sheets if completing a paper version of the form, but please keep it brief).
- We may request more information and details of proposed expenditure from you.
- The project's progress may be checked.
- A final report will be expected, and you may be asked to present any results at a public meeting or within a YWHT publication.
- The Yorkshire Wolds Heritage Trust must be acknowledged for any assistance provided.
- The decision of the Trust's trustees is final, but if unsuccessful you may re-apply at a later date.